12 April 2013

Looking for a new pet?

Why not find an unsual one?
Students of ESO1B at IES La Zafra in Motril have just opened an information desk to offer plenty of details about animals like scorpions, bats, snakes and even a flying lizard or a blue whale. So,
Don't buy a pet without surfing our web!!
Click on the pictures to read a science report about the featured animals.

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Para poder acceder a las páginas de los proyectos tienes que ser miembro de nuestra wiki. Si aun no lo eres, puedes entrar como invitado/a con los datos siguientes:  
USER: pasesinllamar 
PASSWORD: lazafrainvita 

Spanish Pond Turtle by María . G. 
Flying Fox by Paula C. 

Green Basilisk by Ángel G. 

... and up to 23 more animal reports in OUR WIKI.
Visit us. 
Comments Welcome!!

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